
Brian Harte

Brian Harte (b. 1978) lives and works in County Tipperary, Ireland. He works mainly with large-scale canvases and is concerned with the investigation of composition and the relationship between abstractionism and figurative painting.

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Larissa Bates

Larissa Bates (b. 1981 in Burlington, USA) lives and works in New York. She was raised between Vermont and Vara Blanca (Costa Rica) and graduated from Hampshire College in 2003 with a degree in Studio Art. Her Caribbean heritage is an essential part of her work.

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Serge Attukwei Clottey

Serge Attukwei Clottey (b. 1985) is known for his work that examines the powerful agency of everyday objects. Working across installation, performance, photography and sculpture, Clottey explores narratives of personal, family and collective histories often relating to trade and migration.

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Gina Beavers

Gina Beavers (b. 1978) was born in Athens and lives and works in New York, where she creates paintings that reflect on contemporary society. Using photos from the internet in general and social media in particular as an inspirational source, Beavers creates her paintings, drawings and installations.

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Otto Ford

Otto Ford (British, b.1978) works in London, UK. Received MA from Royal College of Arts in London in 2017. Otto Ford creates works that explore the re-processing of the digital as material paintings. Using found imagery Ford re animates the physical gesture of mark making.

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Habib Farajabadi

Habib Farajabadi (b. 1982) is Iranian and is based in the country’s capital of Tehran. As a self-trained artist, Farajabadi explores abstraction mainly through the traditional media of painting, drawing and sculpture. He paints exclusively with acrylic.

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Umut Yasat

Umut Yasat (b. 1988) lives and works in Karlsruhe, Germany. Between 2009 and 2014 he studied at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Karlsruhe with Gustav Kluge, Jonas Burgert and Marcel van Eeden. He started to work on ‘Der Stapel’ in 2014. At first this process encompassed tiding all of the artist’s previous works together but later it evolved into the agglomeration of not only works of art but several of the artist’s everyday objects – both meaningful and trivial.

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Art has a gigantic potential to change individual lives.